About Us

In the Beginning...

"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." - John 1:1

At Gloriens, every thread is woven with the eternal truth and boundless love of Jesus Christ, our God. We embark on a journey inspired by the timeless wisdom of Scripture, illuminating the beauty of His power, the depth of His love, and the richness of His grace.

For God So Loved the World

"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." - John 3:16.

This foundational verse encapsulates the essence of our brand. At the core of our identity lies the profound message of love, sacrifice, and redemption—a message that inspires every aspect of our designs and ethos. Our logo, adorned with a cross enclosed within a circle, serves as a visual representation of Christ's sacrificial love and His enduring promise of eternal life for all who believe. It symbolizes the boundless nature of God's love, reaching out to embrace all humanity, transcending barriers, and offering hope to the world.

The circle, with no beginning or end, signifies the infinite reach of God's love, encompassing the whole world which Jesus came to save. This foundational verse holds within it the entirety of the gospel and the good news that Jesus instructed us to spread a message of hope, salvation, and eternal life available to all who accept His gift of grace.

The cross, a central symbol of Christianity, stands as a testament to the ultimate sacrifice made by Jesus Christ . As Hebrews 10:14 reminds us, "For by one sacrifice he has made perfect forever those who are being made holy." Through His selfless act on the cross, Jesus redeemed humanity, offering forgiveness, reconciliation, and the promise of eternal life to all who believe in Him. The cross represents the convergence of divine love and grace, where grace triumphs over sin and death, and where new life springs forth from the depths of sacrifice. It is a symbol of hope, transformation, and the unending mercy of God—a beacon of light in a world longing for redemption.

Our Mission

Our mission at Gloriens is profound: to spread the Word of hope, love, and redemption found in Jesus Christ. Through our designs, we aim to inspire individuals to embrace their faith, to experience the profound love of God, and to walk confidently in the grace bestowed upon them. Our garments serve as vessels of His truth, carrying the timeless message of salvation to all corners of the world.

The Majesty of Christ's Power

In every design, we seek to magnify the majesty of His power—the same power that spoke the universe into existence, calmed the raging seas, and conquered death itself. It is a power beyond comprehension, beyond measure, yet it stoops low to lift the brokenhearted, heal the wounded, and restore the lost.

The Depth of Jesus' Love

At the heart of our brand lies the depth of Jesus' love that knows no bounds, conditions, or limits. It endured the agony of the Cross, bore the weight of our sins, and triumphed over the grave. It pursues us relentlessly, never giving up, and calling us by name into His embrace.

The Richness of Savior's Grace

Grace, the unmerited favor of our Savior, flows abundantly in every aspect of our lives. It is His grace that sustains us through trials, forgives our shortcomings, and offers us redemption. Our designs reflect the richness of His grace, reminding us of the immeasurable gift bestowed upon us through Christ's sacrifice on the Cross. In His grace, we find hope, renewal, and the promise of eternal life.

About Our Designs

Every design at Gloriens is infused with rich symbolism that reflects our deep-rooted faith and values. Each garment serves as a canvas to convey the profound truths of Christianity:

The Cross: Central to many of our designs is the Cross, an enduring symbol of redemption, sacrifice, and divine love. It represents the ultimate act of love and atonement, where Jesus Christ bore the sins of humanity. The Cross serves as a reminder of God's unfailing love and the promise of salvation for all who believe.

Colors: We meticulously choose colors that carry significant spiritual meaning:

White: Radiating purity and righteousness, white embodies the cleansing power of Christ's sacrifice. It symbolizes the pristine purity found in His forgiveness and the renewal offered through His grace. White garments serve as a reminder of the purity and holiness bestowed upon believers through Jesus Christ.

Red: Symbolizing the unparalleled power of Jesus Christ's sacrificial love, red signifies the power in His blood shed on the Cross. It represents the profound depth of His love and the redemption of sins through His death and resurrection. The crimson hue embodies the life-giving essence of His sacrifice, offering hope, restoration, and eternal salvation. In His blood, we find forgiveness, redemption, and the power to overcome sin and death.

Black: It symbolizes the transformative power of Christ's sacrifice, where darkness is replaced with light and brokenness finds healing through His grace. Considering Christ's sacrifice, darkness underscores the transformative power of His grace. Without darkness, the need for His light wouldn't be as evident. His radiance pierces despair, offering hope and renewal. In the darkest moments, His light guides souls toward faith and salvation, revealing truth and liberation from sin.

Prayer Power

We believe in the power of prayer. Prayer is our direct line of communication with God, and we recognize its transformative strength. That's why we have a dedicated prayer request page where individuals can submit their prayer needs. We consider it an honor to lift these requests to the throne of grace, knowing that God hears and answers prayers according to His will. In a world where distances may separate us physically, prayer connects us spiritually, bridging gaps and bringing comfort, healing, and hope.

"Truly I tell you, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven. Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven. For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.”- Matthew 18:18-20

Giving Back to Spread the Gospel

We believe that everything we have is a gift from God. That's why we're committed to giving back. We pledge to donate a significant portion of all our profits to spread the gospel, supporting churches, funding gospel-centered projects and events, and contributing to initiatives aimed at reaching and saving more people. By partnering with us, you're not just buying clothes; you're investing in the eternal mission of sharing God's love with the world.

Community Engagement

Our community engagement efforts are rooted in the teachings of Jesus Christ, who emphasized the importance of loving our neighbors as ourselves. By extending His love to others, we strive to foster a sense of unity, compassion, and solidarity within our community.

Join the Journey

Join us on this sacred journey—a journey of faith, of hope, and of love. Together, let us proclaim the name of Jesus, magnify His power, and shine His light in a world in need of His grace. As we walk together, let us remember the words of Luke 12:8: "I tell you, whoever publicly acknowledges me before others, the Son of Man will also acknowledge before the angels of God." This verse reminds us of the importance of confessing the Lord before others, for He acknowledges us and walks with us each step of the way.

Salvation Prayer

Prayer is a powerful tool for spiritual transformation and connection with God. The Salvation Prayer, also known as the Sinner's Prayer, is a heartfelt expression of faith and repentance, inviting Jesus Christ into one's life as Savior and Lord. By praying this prayer, individuals acknowledge their need for forgiveness, accept Christ's sacrifice on the cross, and commit to following Him. It's a pivotal moment of surrender and renewal, marking the beginning of a life transformed by God's grace and love.

Romans 10:9-10 says, 'If you declare with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.'

These verses affirm the importance of confession and belief in Christ as the basis for salvation. Whether you're seeking forgiveness, renewal, or a deeper relationship with God, the Salvation Prayer offers a pathway to salvation and eternal life in Christ.


Heavenly Father, I come before You acknowledging my sins and shortcomings. I recognize that I need Your forgiveness and mercy. Thank You for offering Your grace and love freely, despite my failings. I accept Jesus Christ as my Savior, acknowledging His sacrifice on the cross for my sins. I invite Jesus into my heart to be my Lord and Savior. Help me to live each day according to Your will, with Jesus guiding my thoughts, words, and actions. I surrender my life to You, trusting in Your plan for me. Thank You, Lord, for Your unending love and the promise of eternal life with You. May I walk in Your ways and bring glory to Your name. In Jesus' name, I pray, Amen.